More and more people from around the world deal with problems in their gut health. Gut issues that are common across individuals include diarrhea and loose stools, bloating and constipation, IBS, leaky gut, Celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and food intolerances or sensitivities. While some signs and symptoms are obvious, some are not.
Most people have this thinking that they are absent of health problems in their gut when they actually have these types of issues. The thing about gut health problems is that they can manifest in the form of mental or cognitive issues. Such issues include depression, anxiety, and brain fog that could mean a gut issue in you. Having gut dysfunction can also be associated with skin issues like psoriasis, hives, and eczema.
Respiratory issues that are related to your gut health also signal problems with your gut such as asthma, ear infections, bronchitis, and sinusitis, and other problems that give off phlegm. Most of the time, these issues can occur at the same time. This is why issues that affect the bowel and respiratory system have a common medical intervention and treatment.
Hay fever and histamine intolerance and other diseases affecting the immune system are also linked with having poor gut health. Most of the time, the immune system of the person improves when gut issues are diagnosed and resolved as per nutritionists.
So that there is proper healing of gut health at, key factors must first be addressed. Take, for instance, low hydrochloric acid. This is one of the main reasons why people suffer from gut problems. Having low hydrochloric acid is often caused by stress. Both kids and adults are affected by stress. The common symptoms of having low stomach acid include reflux, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, food malabsorption, and parasite infection.
Another common issue happening to your gut health is a leaky gut. If you suffer from this condition, the lining of your gastrointestinal tract is not intact. This means that bacterial toxins and undigested food particles will easily pass through your system.
For leaky gut to be healed, food intolerances should be identified. Make sure to eliminate them from your diet. Gluten is among the leading highly inflammatory gut protein that should be eliminated from the diet. Gluten elimination must be done a hundred percent. Adequate gut healing is done through this.
There are gut testing methods that can be done to determine your stomach acid levels as well as food intolerances. Doing certain tests is taught by a nutritionist. Your doctor can proceed to make a correct diagnosis and treatment for your gut health problem when this is done. Watch this video at for more info about health.
For your gut lining, there are food options to improve your gut health. Examples of food that heal your gut include pectin, fish oil, aloe vera, and glutamine. For more gut healing methods, be sure to go to your nutritionist. Know about True Foods Nutrition here!